Cris En Vers Et Contre Tous, C'est Toujours L'Enfer Qui Me Pousse A Jeter L'Encre Sur Le Papier !! La Faute A Ce Qui M'Ont Laisse
0 comment Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | admin

There used to be a time when we had to think in front of our wardrobes " I'll dress to impress " ! which was fierce and dangerously sexy !! yeah guys remember ! but now it has changed ! young ladies prefer tweed instead of leather, they dont wear short skirts and they always hide their tops with jackets ! yeah this is a new era, a new fashion moment ! so the golden years with sexy brazilians, wet and wild, s or mermaids are over !! we've moved to somethin classic, somethin " old-fashioned " as they say !! and yeah this spread is from Vogue Nippon ! couldnt believe it !! the first picture reminded me of a Sonia Rykiel imagery ! and the last one look very british style !! but anyway, when i see those wonderfull pictures, using cult references, i always say to myself : what for ? after all, we live in the present and those nice ladies for example do not smoke the way we do, as seen in french Vogue for example !! isnt necessary for a fashion mag to create images that will speak to people as they deal with life...the one we're living in, rather than what happened 3O years ago or in our dream !!
ps : if you can answer, please send me a comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fashion = dream !! true or false ?

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