0 comment Friday, May 23, 2014 | admin

shoppin is just one of the hardest activities in the world !!! no matter how rich we are ?!!! in fact, there's everyday the launch of a new collection, of a new pair of Louboutin or a new limited edition perfume as usually :!::
so u absolutely have to be aware of all the things happenin
so u can make the right choice for your future !!!! just imagine a second how your best friends will laugh at you when u'll show u bought that bag !! whereas the it-bag of the season is from Balenciaga !! so lame !!
looks like a debate from sex & the city no ?!!! but im less funny
but anyway
u probably realize Agyness Deyn was on picture
actually it's from Giles Deacon latest capsule collection for New Look

So about the ads, im more than satisfied even if some big brands like H & M or Topshop manage to make some much more attractive things
but Agyness is fabulous, energic and wild
totally out of control and her boyish features are so original
but i hope we'll see her more like a sexy beast than like a punk star
im sure she can play that role too

Finally about the collection
there are some very nice pieces
for example everyone heard about the striped trench-coat which is lovely
the shoes are cute too
and im lovin the glitterin things Giles kind of added everywhere
however, im not showin any pictures cuz they're website doesnt allow us !!
that's bullshit !! what for ?
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