I'll Jump On The Occasion
0 comment Thursday, May 15, 2014 |

once again, art and fashion meet at Dazed & Confused !!
im always very interested by their projects which include so many interestin artists, designers on the top of the wave ( i hope it's the right expression ) and crazy visionnaire !! and plus, it always rock
therefore this new project called " An Experiment in Collaboration " deals with the collaboration of different artists from a forensic psychiatrist to a computer game designer and even a biophysicist for example !!
so it's really rich
and the guy behind this concept is Michael Pybus who had already worked with Dazed before !! so well i dont know much about the project and why they did this
but the result is breathless !!
i definitely felt like there has been a war between extraordinary women that occured on a rainbow ! sometimes i wonder why i was so far from this !!?
let's fight at the Jerwood Gallery in London from today till the 31th of august
