0 comment Saturday, May 31, 2014 | admin

a month or more ago i found a very cool german brand on myspace
they're two sweet and gifted guys : Julia and Ben
and after sendin them some messages i decided to make an interview
they agreed but only Julia did it cuz Ben partied the day before !!!!! lol
never mind they're interestin and full of references !! i guess i should read a bit more !! and maybe start german ! Zeit zu starten
can u tell me how u started this brand ?
JULIA : we started right after our diploma in ESMOD fashion school. Benjamin was one year above me in school. He graduated in 2005 and than had a small gallery in Berlin mitte. Then while i was doing my dÃploma i got in contact with him through the partyscene and because we had the same friends and he also had 2 backrooms behind the gallery where i was working on my homework for school because my appartment was too small and after like 2 weeks it was pretty clear that we are a good team

so how would u describe your collection with Ben ?
JULIA : i think we make classic fashion with a twist. Our design is not so much conceptual, of course in the beginning there is an idea, but it can be something very abstract, a colour , a shadow on the ground while waiting for the bus, a certain feeling that brings shapes to my mind , but its really more about a feeling that somehow builds up in shapes and patterns. Some people turn it into words or paintings whereas we do clothing , but its a process which is flowting and liquid till the last moment. But of course we know in the beginning what colours we want and a certain style. we always make up stories that are our inspration. Next spring summer will have the title "beauty is my boy"
so tell me what was the last story ?
JULIA : the last one was "Gwendolyn falls apart". i found this old drawings like a kinky comic from the 40s called sweet adventures of Gwendolyn. All in black skinny fetish stuff but very arty and the main character was Gwendolyn. But we kind of liked it but thought she has to fall apart. She was too perfect and also in our designs we wanted some strong black skinny stuff, sexy but tough. You can see a little poem on our website too.

so do u have any ideas of how your upcomin collection will look like ?
JULIA : of course as its summer we'll have lighter colours even though i guess grey and black will always be, creme too, white off white, a bit of light aqua and lots of self died stuff. For the mens we will have one slim but quiet normal jacket and one that is twisted in the front ( hard to explain for me in english) made out of leather, slim jeans, silk shirts, and jersey shirts that are not t-shirts but like a buttoon down shirt. For girls, we'll have one long red carpet like dress a bit hippie meets twenties, with silk chiffon that is hand died like batik, but not batik circles. A leather dress, skinny jackets and mini skirts. We wanna do some showpieces this time, we applied at competions so there will be some glamour in it too, but i guess still a strong look, our women sexyness is not so girly innocent i think, but stronger.

is it easy workin with Ben ?
JULIA : i think we are a pretty good team, sometimes i wanna be too classic for him or he wants to be too crazy sporty robot for me but we are good in meeting in the middle. Benjamin is the type of guy who can wear everything and still look good, avantgarde, so he sometimes forgets that not everyone is that lucky if you know what i mean. However i think making crazy showpieces for events is cool but also very expensive and you probably sell just one item so

is it okay workin with Julia ?
BEN : Working with Julia it's like cherry pie. So i`m eating cherry pie each day.I love I love I love cherry pies. So im eating it some and every day, sometimes I puke all over the toilets but then I go for another delicious cherry pie!
what are your fashion influences ?
JULIA : well the designers we like are Haider Ackermann, Gareth Pugh, Dior, Balenciaga ,Vibskov and Prada

is it easy workin in fashion in Germany ?
JULIA : In a way Berlin is very cool because its cheap and you are able to have a studio and all for low rent compared to London or Paris. On the other hand "the big fishes" like magazines, journalists, shows ect...are not in Berlin. So the " Gwendolyn falls apart " collection was the first one we showed on rendez.vous in Paris. So we were afraid before we flew to Paris because there are so many good one that are already half way established but than everybody reacted in a very positive way. Now this time in our space there will be an exhibition from Fumi a photographer from New York and the stock sale from the designers showing at projekt gallery. so our space will be official part of Berlin fashion week !

what can i wish you ?
BEN : well i'd like to the power to dictate what's cool, what's not !!
JULIA : my wish is to be able to do what i love and make a living with it and of course become rich and famous
if u need more info
then u can check their website at www.juliaandben.com and buy a lot of stuffs
it's not so expensive and they'll soon be major
so dont hesitate or u'll regret
and u can add them on myspace too at www.myspace.com/juliaandben_julia_and_ben
ps: I've seen the drawings of their upcoming collection and i can say it already " it's so nice " and it reminded me of what Ricardo Tisci did a year ago at Givenchy
Ich danke Ihnen und sehen ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Nice Talk With