And Im Braggin Next To You, It Feels Like U Gone Too Soon
0 comment Sunday, April 20, 2014 |

thinkin about how i want male fashion to look like, i believe that editorial would probably be the best example !! it's really beyond words
everything appear at the right place, every detail and accesorizes ! the guy hair which look so feminine doesnt bother that much ! if only the guy of the future could look that great ! and yeah, finally, we dont pay that much attention to genders !!! he's a man and we can notice it ! so who cares if he wears his girlfriend or mom favorite jewels !!? that stylin is perfect and i love the contrast between his large shoulder and the little waist !! some people say the inspiration is very Bowie or Prince !! now i should get myself leather !
by the way it's surprisin to know that this editorial has been released in Wonderland magazine !!! there are not that much talked about right now !! it would have been marvellous if it was an exclusivity from the Vogue Hommes Japan !
but anyway im sure i wanna look like that
