0 comment Thursday, May 22, 2014 | admin

I've finally got my hands on the latest issue of Pop magazine ! quite a sad story but that's part of the myth ! and I've been quite disappointed by some editorials !!! but well every mag has it's weakness and i believe, Katie Grand, knowin it's gonna end, hasnt really work on the stylin and looks ! but it's pretty lame since Pop magazine has became so cult ! a real new bible no !!? but well when i found that editorial featuring that model covered by body paint and Swarovski crystals, i said to myself " what a wonderfull world " !! actually it's always nice becuz the people in fashion are never runnin out of imagination, creativity...etc !! The world is bored with mean, unfair and cruel human beings so we're turned into people from Mars or from another planet as you can see here !! and Pop mag has even dressed a monkey for a jewellry spread, rivers of diamonds, bling-blings, gliterring rings....you should definitely see it too !!
ps : i was thinkin it would be cute, havin couture jewels or accessories worn by a dog !! and i was also thinkin it would be so great if we could have a pair havin sex !! haha sorry, im so insane !!

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