0 comment Thursday, May 22, 2014 | admin

There's a kind of smell of death in the air. In fact, the economic crisis is causing headaches to the whole world ! some fashion magazines are reducing their numbers of issues, some are receiving less money from brands ! thus the mags are lighter, the girls will no longer look like a christmas tree ! you know, there's some seasons where the model glitters from head to toe with rivers of diamonds here and there etc. however well dont cry ! it's just a moment after all ! it's not the first time nor the last ! but what's interestin comes from the fact that crisis, trouble times, hard seasons are always much more innovative times ! yes, it's quite paradoxical but when you have the money, you spend it on insane galliano-esk make-up, huge cartier 100 k diamonds or on funky and photogenic but useless items sold exclusively but what about the designs ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now we can all predict the designers are gonna work harder on cuts, shapes and forms which is great ! a lot of avant-garde designers are also goin to emerge and we can foresee the start of a new fashion gang ! thus im ready to bet that even big houses are gonna fall and some new designers are gonna be elected as couturier of the year !! the war is definitely goin to start....
ps : arent those shots from the latest UK vogue fantastic !? beauty meets the light and the shadow ! im lovin it's dark poetry !! if the crisis could look as thrillin as this, then im ready to fall

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