0 comment Monday, May 19, 2014 | admin

like they all say "LESS IS MORE" when it comes to male fashion
it's easier dressin minimalist than havin tons of accessories and coats and shiny shoes !! we're boys not toys !!
so when i found the first collaboration-collection between designer Loden Dager and japanese brand Uniqlo i said to myself a big WOW
the collection is just an object of pureness
the kind of clothing line u wear like a second skin
or simply the line which make u exists
u dont have to pretend nor to feel different
it's perfect for everyone and i believe that's what's makin this collaboration interestin
moreover the fact Uniqlo is generally and known everywhere as somethin very fancy just make me think it's already a hit
by the way the white shoes worn with white socks just gives more elegance to the guy
so i hope it will work for me too
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